T-Angle, a safe and secure cross-communication platform, where teens and parents are able to anonymously talk, listen and give advice about issues that matter.

Words of the Moment

To Create Your Own Sunshine

— Reopen your eyes and your mind to the wonders around you, and the wonders inside yourself.

Sometimes all it takes is the right words at the right moment to change your day, your mind, and even your life. Words of the Moment is an inspiring channel of wisdom, truth, and encouragement that will spark spirituality, motivate actions, and lend comfort. Each adage will let you know you’re not alone in struggles, nor are you alone in your joys, will remind you that you’re strong enough to face your challenges, and show that what may seem like imperfections may acctually be strengths.

The inspirational adages posted on Words of Moment may come from those famous philosophers, religious leaders, revolutionaries, but may also come from you, the teens, the parents, the users of T-Angle. Please share your wisdom, your inspiration and your kindess with others. Your words may save someone’s day, may unload someone’e heavey burden, may provide the companionship to someone’s long road. Words of Moment is a channel for you, for me and for everyone.

Please Submit Your Words of the Moment

My Words of the Moment:

*** All submitted Words of Moment will be posted on T-Angle.org upon review and approval by T-Angle Content Operation Team.

If you need more information or have any questions, please contact us at info@t-angle.org.