T-Angle, a safe and secure cross-communication platform, where teens and parents are able to anonymously talk, listen and give advice about issues that matter.

T-Angler Awards Program

President’s Volunteer Service Award -- (PVSA)

T-Angle.org (GiftChain Foundation Inc.) has been approved as an official Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. The ability to bestow Presidential recognition to our volunteers is a tremendous honor. Recognizing the great work and commitment of our volunteers can deliver a powerful message, one that encourages others to take action.

The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation was created by U.S. President George W. Bush in January 2003 by executive order. Its mission is to encourage volunteerism and to recognize the contributions Americans make through service and civic participation.

In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.

The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation.

If you are interested in participating in the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA), please sign up as T-Angler/Vounteer. You may earn your volunteer hours through working for T-Angle.org in the areas of your own interests. You may work from home, during a ride to your extracurricular activities, even on your vacation.

Sign Up as T-Angler/Volunteer:

T-Angler (Volunteer) Annual Services Awards (TASA)

T-Angle.org will hold T-Angler (Volunteer) Annual Awards Event to honor those T-Anglers who have done a great contributions to T-Angle. org and its communities in differrent areas. More details will be coming later.

Sign Up as T-Angler/Volunteer to Particiate in PVSA & TASA:

If you need more information or have any questions, please contact us at info@t-angle.org.