T-Angle, a safe and secure cross-communication platform, where teens and parents are able to anonymously talk, listen and give advice about issues that matter.



— It Takes a Community to Build T-Angle to Serve Our Communities.

T-angle is committed to fostering the mental health and well-being of every family member by providing a cross-communication platform for teens and parents to help each other understand different perspectives and to resolve conflicts.

Being a non-profit social communication platform, T-Angle.org is fully initiated and founded by the teens with the involvement and support from many families. Its operation is entirely serviced by T-Anglers, the volunteers.

It takes a community to build T-Angle.org to serve our communities. To keep the development and improvement of T-Angle.org and allows its services to reach out and benefit more and more people, we need your help and support. If you agree with T-Angle’s mission and services, and share the same value with T-Angle, please consider to endorse T-Angle, meanwhile promote your organization and services through T-Angle.org

Intent of Endorsement

T-Angle's Contact Information:
Contact Person. : Ian Ma, Sa Zhang
Contact Email : info@t-angle.org
Contact Phone # : (650) 260-3839
Mailing Address. : 2002 Contrada Ct, Ste #1, Dublin, CA94568
Once we receive your intent, we will contact you as soon as possible to go over the details of our endorsement options.
T-Angle.org's volunteer team and the communities
thank you for your help and support!
If you need more information or have any questions, please contact us at info@t-angle.org.