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Cheating at midterm
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Cheating at midterm

3 Posts
2 Users
Happy Dolphin
Posts: 9
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Joined: 2 years ago

Yes, you should take this seriously, and absolutely, you should do something:

  1. Find your teacher
  2. Explain that you did cheat and you are now aware of the jeopardy that you put your future in
  3. Thank your teacher for teaching you this lesson and holding you accountable

It’s unlikely that a single sophomore-year midterm exam grade will decide your future, but if you keep doing this, it will impact you enormously. You can learn this lesson now, when it’s cheap. You can learn it in college, when it’s more expensive: you might get an automatic F, or you might be thrown out of school permanently. You can learn it in adulthood, when it’s very expensive: you can be fired from a job and potentially loseyour whole career.Jayson Blair - Wikipediawas a high-flying New York Times reporter, then an editor. His fabrications were amazing, but once caught, he went on a spiral. He’s apparently a life coach now; no one would ever allow him to be a reporter again. Similar stories have ended more extremely, with homelessness or suicide.

Learn your lesson and thank that teacher.

Source: https://qr.ae/pvA27D

2 Replies
Happy Dolphin
Posts: 9
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Joined: 2 years ago

Cheating at exams or homework are the worst thing you should do to yourself.  Pls do not think that you are lucky if you have not been caught yet. If you continue to make it a habit, you will be caught eventually at later with higher cost.  Sitting down and studying is the right approach to do well at exams, not cheating. Cheating is not just your behavior, it also tells who you are.  

Posts: 11
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Joined: 3 years ago

I definitely agree with this line of thinking. Like a lot of people say, "you are only cheating yourself," when you cheat. I think that when you cheat, you definitely skip out on a lot of learning that you could've done, especially if you are doing it with one of your important classes in school. 
